Cool or cr*p?

After much research I discovered this great invention, unfortunately no USB ports in it though:

When you commute looking over your shoulder is a sign to drivers.
It says you are aware of their presence. Or aware that they about to pass me at a bad time. Or that you are about to make a manoeuvre.
If you are just looking down at this (rather nifty) device the drivers would think that the cyclist is in its own little world. The driver now sees the cyclist as an object on the road and not as a person interacting with other road users.
Notwithstanding these comments, I predict it will be a commercial success, and road bikers will ride with half an eye on their screen and one and a half eyes looking forwards.

Several grand prix drivers (in particular Lewis Hamilton) have claimed this year that they didn't know what was going on behind them owing to vibration blurring their mirrors. And yet TV viewers can tell perfectly well, because they see through a camera. So the owners of these cameras will have a better rear view than Lewis Hamilton.

Doesn't say how much it weighs, does it? Can't be really serious then.
You could also mount another sensor/whatever (?) on the back just to check out how cute your ar$e is. :roll:

Anthony":ji79r3qw said:
Several grand prix drivers (in particular Lewis Hamilton) have claimed this year that they didn't know what was going on behind them owing to vibration blurring their mirrors. And yet TV viewers can tell perfectly well, because they see through a camera. So the owners of these cameras will have a better rear view than Lewis Hamilton.

Doesn't say how much it weighs, does it? Can't be really serious then.

One of my cars has a reversing camera - I hate it - a rear view miror, Looking over your shoulder and PDC / beeping sensors run rings round it. I spend more time cleaning the crap off the camera than using it. :roll:
freekin' brilliant. Now I can watch for the a**holes in front of me and behind me at the same time. You folks should try riding on the roads here in Houston. No, in fact don't. I stopped about 5 years ago (sold the road bike). I grew tired of wank8rs in cars / rednecks in trucks trying to see how close they could get their wing mirrors to me, and having the remnants of fast food thrown at me also. I'm serious, this sh1t would happen nearly every time I went out, even on a Sunday morning! Houston is very very road cyclist unfriendly, the only safe way is to join club and do the group rides out from the city. And Harris County (in which the city resides) has one of the highest insurance rates for motorcyclists in the United States. That's saying something, its a big place!