Cool number plates

I've been looking for A1 AEL or A1 L200 for a while, but never particularly seriously! I did try looking for K6 DBR last year as a b'day pressie for someone but I couldn't get hold of it ... then about a month later I saw it on a DBR car driving past me in Swansea ... my reaction .... "Come back, I want your number plate!!" :LOL: Lol!!

New Zealand is the BEST place for number plates, you can have absolutely anything you want as long as its got up to 6 letters or numbers, and no-one else has already got it! So I could have ALICES, or LONNWY, or I AM FAB!! :cool: Hahaha!!

Few examples of plates I saw when I was there ... N0 COWS (on a bull stud lorry), ATURNEY, ILEG4L, on the side of a pickup truck advertising helicopter flights ... AIRLFT!! And the best ever ... I ♥ PUBS!! How cool is that?! :cool:
I don't get the whole numberplate thing. Seems like paying money for a cool serial number on the back of your telly.

+1 All I ever see is the word cock when I look at them and they are always screwed onto shite cars :?

A mate had his painted onto the back of his escort , you would never notice at a glance but if you did it was pretty good . You can have whatever random collection of letters and numbers you like but it's only cool if they are applied by an old signwriter smoking a pipe . And 3 is not a replacement for E when your already using letters anyway .

All the good cars have pre 72 plates , so unless it's black and silver it's worthless and the interesting ones Q .

I always take the plates off my cars , looks much nicer without them :p
Another vote for them being pointless wastes of money. I can't believe those people who manipulate their plates to spell their name have EVER found anyone who gives a damn apart from the rozzers perhaps. So your name is Tim? NOBODY CARES! A memory aid for those struggling to remember which is their car?

Having said that L454 GNE would be sort of OK.
my old cossie e15 5lut :LOL:

bloke near me has my plate :evil:

tried to buy it off him but he wanted over £10,000.......wouldnt care, but his names isnt even salt, mine is so i should have rights to it !!!!!

don't really get them either- they are not exclusive anymore?- why not get a sticker of whatever you want to communicate and put it in the back windscreen, a lot cheaper.