cool/ different stem caps


Devout Dirtbag
bought an old bike for my wife the other day and came with this cool stem cap, it wasn't a GT either, so obviously just been chucked on there.
anyway thought it was quite cool.
got me thinking that most stem caps are a bit boring, has anyone else got any interesting stem caps?

I know that there are custom headset caps available, but they seem a bit of an overkill.

In my eyes, the coolest standard ones came from Gary Fisher: "all work and no play is no fun at all" - for eternity, literally! :)

stem cap

think i am going ot have to try hunt out one of those gary fisher ones, will look rather nice on my bike, how does the red look?
stem caps

The race face ones are cool, as is the red gf one, I think there should be more, bike companies take themselves to seriously these days.
I've got one of the GF "all work and no play is no good at all.." ones too.

Also have a Race face "Threadless and Fearless"
And the obligatory "Derailleur? Non Merci" on my single speed

I used to have one that had an arrow on it pointing forwards and "cake" on it, but can't for the life of me remember what happened to it....