
tintin40":25v6drlq said:
A lay in bed with the wife and the bikes at the end of the bed :cool:

Sounds good but as we both like the Towering inferno watching that in bed too.
Don't know if she would want her bike at the end of the bed, even though it is retro and she likes riding it.

Andy R":1mjs59rk said:
I need photographs for this......... :oops:

Contentment is seeing this little sign on the tree by the roadside, just before we turn off into "our" village, and knowing that we have arrived safely after our long journey.

Contentment is being able to sit on our terrace watching the light from the setting sun fall on the mountains, listening to the sound of distant goat bells and hardly daring to believe that we're lucky enough to own our little house in such a wonderful place, and that it has safely survived another winter.

And finally, contentment is just sitting with a jug of wine (after enjoying a bowl of home-made briam) - just Karen and me, with the sounds of little owls, a distant dog, (and always, goat bells..) being amused by a pair of "kounavia" (pine martens) running along our roof.

True contentment.....

NICE!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
For me contentment would be: A good ride, followed by good food and the company of my girlfriend whilst watching a good movie or listening to music while partaking of a tasty beverage.

Future contentment would be, having land in the states, building a comfortable cabin in the middle of nowhere, hunting, fishing, cycling.
Getting safely down from the Death Zone on a mountain in winter, then crawling into a warm pub, hut/tent, sleeping bag then kip before waking up to hot tea, 2 sugars please. Bliss :D

There are other things but this is No1 - always has been for me

cool autumn sunny days in the woods followed by home next to an open fire,a huge milky coffee,a delivered pizza and a b movie( anything from disaster to sci fi is fine) followed up by getting parcels in the mail and a relly good sessionofbad company on the ps3 with just the sniper rifle and a lot of headshots....
another of mine is too spend the day in starbucks munching on muffins and huuuge lattes and solving the 7x7 v cube in 17 min.


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