For Sale Colnago Master Olympic Decor, Record pink near new condition

Botty Kayer, Nob,

Thanks for sharing your view on the asking price of my master.

Let me explain a few things.

Giving comment on the price i ask for my master is your right to do so, but make sure to start at the beginning and not at the end.

1 - i (seller) have value in the form of a stunning master that one can touch, admire, ride etc and its condition can be judged by the pix.

2 - what do you (buyer) have to offer me regarding “value” ?

Mostlikely your “value” is a euro, dollar, or pound .. which is not backed by anything with TRUE value, but based on trust … by banksters who create “money” out of thin air and charge you interest … Now you know how they make billions ‘profit’.

So this fiat “money” which is not money, but nothing more than a currency = debt = inflatable piece of paper and robbes your from purchasing power and is the sole reason why most spouses have to work these days.

For example with a 10% inflation this means that on jan 1st your 10 pound note should had a figure 9 at 31 dec try to explain that to someone.

With the introduction (1913) of the FED (= a commercial company) and their financial (inflation) policy this has led to a decline in purchasing power of the dollar of over 95%, now you know why many have up to 3 lousy paid jobs a day in order to survive.

This - fiat-currency = debt has allways been subject of inflation and thanks to the now more than a decade insanely “money” creation by the central banks are now up and into double digits and visible in joe average his every day life.

This means that the moment you hold this “money” fiat currency in your hand (or bank) your being robbed in purchasing power in other words one has to pay more to buy the same.

All i do is advertise and wait until one person is realizing that and want to spend his fiat currency and buy his/her dreambike.

In my country there is now nearly 500 biljion euros in savings on the bank, which at the moment you lend it out is not your money anymore, but theirs and without any rules or regulations you have set they can do anything with it that they want.

The moment people will understand this they will run for anything but fiat currency’s … just look at customer behavior in other country's who went thru the same.

So it is therefor that when i offer people to buy my master in fiat currency = debt = inflatable that i want these kind of numbers ...

But when you want to pay with real money like gold and silver i’m all ears.

On a final note: i never had a customer having a complaint on my bikes except one who was surprised it came dismantled in a box, but never ever on the quality of the bikes and yes there have been negotiations which in the end let to agreement to both sides.

Everybody has a right to think differently and that is ok,but please allow me to have mine.
All I can say is good luck on your sale as here no one will buy that at that price in the current climate when cost of living crisis is hitting everyone hard….during the pandemic probably yes someone would have bought it as everyone was buying bikes….
All I can say is good luck on your sale
Thank you it's appreciated.

as here no one will buy that at that price
Can you judge on behalf of all citizens

in the current climate when cost of living crisis is hitting everyone hard…. during the pandemic

probably yes someone would have bought it as everyone was buying bikes….
So your actually saying that the price was ok .... :)
Products are not getting more expensive, its your currency that is being de-valuated so you have to pay more for the same.

Hanging on to your 'money' makes you poorer by the minute.

And the rate its happening is increasing all the time.

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