cold sores

what is farmers lip?

i often get ultra dry lips
so dry they just crack :( and then i struggle to drink and eat
when i get a cold sore, this is usually the predecessor
ive only had a couple though
Keep Lipsyl in your pocket, use it a lot... critical for dry lips...

Steer clear of cheap lip moisturiser gear...

Berts Bees stuff is supposed to be good (but pricey - and Lipsyl works just fine)..
And 'farmers lip' from wikipedia

Actinic cheilitis (also known as "Actinic cheilosis") is a form of cheilitis which is the counterpart of actinic keratosis of the skin and can develop into squamous cell carcinoma. In actinic cheilitis, there is thickening whitish discoloration of the lip at the border of the lip and skin. There is also a loss of the usually sharp border between the red of the lip and the normal skin, known as the vermillion border. The lip may become scaly and indurated as actinic cheilitis progresses. The lesion is usually painless, persistent, more common in older males, and more common in individuals with a light complexion with a history of chronic sun exposure.
i dont put stuff on my lips as i just lick it off :LOL:
i can eat a dougnut without licking my lips no problem
lipsyl and the like - no way!

when my lips dry out they go kind of crusty i guess :? normally starts at the 'vermillion border' and i am fair skinned and burn in the sun when i do venture out of the shade

but that sounds like a permanent thing
guess i just get dry lips
generally when its cold and/or windy, and im riding normally but has begun at work or not been helped by it (walking around on moorland type stuff)
Get used to Lipsyl, seriously .... if they are getting so that eating and drinking is painful, that's pretty bad . . .

Try a few different brands and find one that doesn't stay greasy on the lips.. you'd be less likely to lick it off perhaps...

It is worth it, trust me :cool:
I thought they were caused by a virus that is in your nose.

I've just started using the clear patches you can get from the local supermarkets, it stops em scabbing and being so painful. They are also less noticable.