Cogwalls, remember those. ya' know, when you wear out that cog you always used. what happened¿

i use two cogs on my bikes. sorta low rpm and really low rpm, and i need replacements all the time And chainrings

and the 1980's was my playground, hence the cog walls. been downhill ever since
ya' ever replaced single freewheel cogs? they used to group everything together by size on a wall • cog wall

this seems to wet the imagination

ofcoarse Campagnolo

doesn't seem to be the case anymore

just some basic facts • don't kill the messenger
I'm running New Winner Ultra 6 13-32.
I can replace individual cogs from Ebay any time I like.
This thread makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
My interpretation is ...
Remember the big maillard sprocket boards where you could buy individual sprockets to fit onto your freewheel body? Very useful if you wore out one cog before the others. Or you wanted a specific ratio.
Well, now you can't do that, the industry just sells you a whole new cassette to their specified ratios.
Well, that means additional cost to the cyclist as well as wasting those unworn cogs and no individual choice of ratios
So a big fk off to the bike industry.