Coast2Coast preparation

Another bit whilst I remember, the A648 between Brompton and Osmotherly is very busy and the majority of drivers we encountered were less than consider when passing us, often passing us flat out only a few inches from our bars. I suggest you have a look at the map and make a suitable detour, I've already written to the authorities and various cycling bodies to see of something can be done about this stretch of road.
Did your frame bag arrive Casper?
It would be interesting to see the fit. My Revelate only fits big, normal shaped frames...
Bloomin useful though; like having a glove box on the bike. It's a,mazing the crap you can get in there.
Hey Nick, I picked it up last Saturday. I had someone from the Dutch Marketplace sew one. This one is waterproof. Here is a pic of my first test run last Sunday. The straps were a bit too loose and it is a crappy phone pic but you'll get the idea.


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