Clement Road Bike What To Do


Dirt Disciple
Just had this Clements bike given and not sure what to do with it.I was going to stick it on a turbo trainer and use it in the shed.
My main passion is Mountain biking so dont think i would use it on the road.
Is it worth restoring?









I could use it as is on a turbo trainer,my problem is i cannot stand scruffy looking bikes :LOL:
I dont as yet have a turbo trainer and cannot make my mind up whether or not to keep it and buy a trainer,keep it and restore,restore and sell or sell as is.
I do enjoy looking at nice road bikes but not at all keen on the riding position,my last road bike was a 531 Pennine back in the early 80s and then came along mountain bikes and i have not ridden a road bike since.
This is of course made by 'Clements', as in Ernie Clements, and not the Italian manufacturer 'Clement'.

Unless the bike has some sentimental value to you, I guess you need to figure out if the frame is any good or not. Many British 'sports' bike of that era had very cheap frames made from 'dead' steel tubes. Compared to the lively and comfortable 531 frame you used to own, you might well find this Clements frame a disappointment. I can't be sure from the photos, but I'd hazard a guess and say it's not a frameset worth restoring, mainly because you can probably find a whole bike of the same standard, in nicer condition for very little money indeed. I don't mean that as an insult, I just don't think it's worth investing time and money in something that can never be special. You could probably pick up a nice old racer with 531 tubing for about £100.

I don't know, it's your choice really. As others have said, you don't need to restore something that's just for turbo training as you'll only use a couple of gears and never touch the brakes etc..

Some of the components are perfectly usable though, e.g. the wheels, brakes (not the levers !), nice early Suntour gears etc.
Cheers Ben
No insult taken,i have had a look at the frame and found a decal stating made for British Eagle which suggests a cheap frame set.
I will give it a clean up and take it for a spin and see what it feels like.
Love the ratchet in the gear levers it has a real quality feel to it somehow but is that where they are supposed to be mounted.
It does not hold any sentimental value and owes me nothing other than the couple of hours it will take to clean
Take the scruffy add ons off. Polish it and ebay it. Sme fool will pay over the odds for it just because its a Clement's. Mention Ernie in the ad :LOL: and some one who thinks there are are an expert will have it. Use the money to buy something better.