Cleaning car cylinder head


You might as well lap all the valves as long as you are doing one and it's all apart-you can't always judge how well the valve is sealing by looking at them-also new seals are cheap and will last longer/work better than old ones...
Keep valves in same place and lap them in. It shouldnt need much, as soon as there is solid grey ring stop as you dont was to overdo it.

Oven cleaner will shift carbon deposits, may need to do thus a few times. Stubborn carbon would need manual scrubbing using a brass brush if head is alloy.

The cam lube is only needed on new parts for running in, a film of oil should suffice.

Oh and keep the cam bearings in the same place.
Took a look at this earlier today. Think I'll be going back to the place which did the skim on Monday, the inlet camshaft apparently needs specialist tools to remove and the valves are so recessed in the head the spring compressor I borrowed had no chance.

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