Claud Butler Titanius - The Catalogue correct build


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
rBoTM Triple Crown
rBotM Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
Claud Butler Fan
VCC Claud Butler ME
Well, I'm bored, so why not?

Actually, I've been meaning to do this for some time now, ever since @IHateRain donated most of the correct running gear from his Titanius over in Germany to the cause.
So, my German Titanius F41 00557 (which had a short life as a gravel bike, see here; ) is going to get dressed up in all the STX kit from (I'm assuming scrapped?) F41 00648

It's not just for the sake of it though, oh no, it's going to spend it's days in my basement strapped to my turbo trainer, destined to see thousands (maybe hundreds) of digital miles on Zwift!

For historical documentation, here's some background repeated from my WI build thread.

The list (so far)
F4I 00557 Germany (Mine)
F4I 00632 Croatia (Mine, WI clad)
F4I 00636 Poland
F4I 00648 Germany (scraped now, parts donated to 00557)
F4I 00??? Hungary
F4I 00??? Holland

The Titanius seems to have only been for sale in mainland Europe with the only sales information being an advert for the hardware chain Praktiker which had shops in at least Germany, Hungary and Luxembourg, there maybe others?

Bit more digging (by I Hate rain) made the discovery that in 1994 a German company called Hawk were advertising a Titanium range of bikes, one of which (the Take off) has a frame with almost exactly the same details as the Titanius except the connection between the stainless-steel lugs and the Ti tubes was beefed up, one could easily make the assumption that they (Hawk) were the actual manufacturer of the collapsible bargain bucket Clauds...
Hawk Ti 1994.jpg
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Ok, so here are some before shots, first the frame I'm going to build on used to look like this before it started to fall apart;
F4100537 (14).jpg

And its donor F41 00648
Looking through the parts I have, the only stuff missing is the BB, the Vuelta saddle and the Zoom stem, but I'm pretty sure I have those knocking around somewhere. just need to have a dig around in the loft!
Oh and a few spokes are missing. 18CBE758-ECA2-4E2E-9763-FC95D15A37A7.jpeg E43F9D9A-EA56-41CD-949D-6776CA60CE75.jpeg
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Dancer! They took all of five minutes to find!

A Zoom from 1993, a Selle Bassano Vuelta “Cotton” saddle and a UN54 will do just fine. And I know I've got some black Tioga Pyschos hanging up.
I think I’ll buy a lottery ticket
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Quick note about this frame, after it started to ease apart on the Cinder track riding South out of Whitby I decided not to ride it again unless I could come up with a suitable repair. Unfortunately as these lugs are Stainless and the tubes Titanium that didn’t give me many options!
What I did do in the end was glue and rivet the tubes & lugs together, not a fix that I’d want to ride on, but I think I’ll be safe enough bolting this to the turbo trainer!
Hey there and enjoy your build 👋 ...think I missed to ad the STX brake cable straddles - or however they are called. Found them randomly laying on the garage floor. Sry about that.

You had me signed up at “Catalogue correct….” I love lots of different builds but there’s something about trying/managing to get something back to the original that floats my boat.
Hey there and enjoy your build 👋 ...think I missed to ad the STX brake cable straddles - or however they are called. Found them randomly laying on the garage floor. Sry about that.

Glad you’re still around Michael, pm on its way, although I’m not sure if the cables were just generic Shimano anyway?
I may not be pulling out all the Peachyfication stops on this one, but there’s still no excuse to not clean and re-grease properly.
9245F0C2-D025-47AD-B21D-FE85EC5BEF25.jpeg D8890FB5-19B7-48C2-B61A-188EB15146E3.jpeg
These shocks are bit on the basic side, but just about perfect for a turbo trainer 🤣
Anyone heard of them before? The Sabre graphic is in the same font as the Claud artwork so possibly a CB name rather than the mfr. it also has “43 cyclepieces” embossed in the dust caps. Still a proper clean up, although I’ll pass on re-doing the graphics I think. 5EEF51A5-5A05-4E07-96DF-C62F4581FD9A.jpeg F0AEA3D9-79CF-4366-A5F4-3C6023EFBAA7.jpeg
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