Carlos Santana

:( I was worried you’d lost your irrelevant/off topic mo-jo..... suitably relieved :lol: :facepalm:
a friend of mine decided to hire a cleaner to keep his flat in order.
he likes to hire foreign cleaners.
anyway she did a great job of dusting and cleaning. but when it came to the hoovering she took twice as long.
turns out he hired a slovac.
videojetman":30ugocnk said:
a friend of mine decided to hire a cleaner to keep his flat in order.
he likes to hire foreign cleaners.
anyway she did a great job of dusting and cleaning. but when it came to the hoovering she took twice as long.
turns out he hired a slovac.
Hoover hell was it?
videojetman":2wgxwnre said:
a friend of mine decided to hire a cleaner to keep his flat in order.
he likes to hire foreign cleaners.
anyway she did a great job of dusting and cleaning. but when it came to the hoovering she took twice as long.
turns out he hired a slovac.
He`ll just have to suck it up....

The ABBA tribute band that were playing down the High Street last Saturday night were incredibly loud..

You could hear the drums from Nandos..

I know lots of jokes about white sugar, but not many about brown because demarara.