Can I fit V-brakes to my 1993 Saracen?


Senior Retro Guru
Maybe my brake pads need replacing or maybe the lard around my midriff is giving me more momentum, but for whatever reason, my cantilever brakes don't seem to be stopping me like they used to. Also, I've fitted 2.1" tyres, and getting them past the cantis when removing/fitting the wheels is a real pain.

Will V-brakes be better for me? If so, I'm wondering whether I can fit V-brakes to my Sahara... (Excuse the state of the bike. I spent 40 minutes on Sunday morning cleaning it, and 90 minutes on Sunday afternoon getting it dirty again :roll: )



I'm not sure whether the pipe that carries my rear brake cable (purple arrows) will prevent me from fitting V-brakes to the rear...


If I can fit V-brakes, which brands/models should I look out for? This is what my LBS carries...

Thanks for any advice, guys. :)
no reason why not.

i wouldnt buy at those prices though. a complete deore bundle from chain reaction should be no more than about 35 quid
You could fit V-brakes but it won't be that simple due to the canti noodle you've pointed out.
One option would be to go to a single chainring and ditch your front mech. That would free up the cable stop above the noodle from which you can run a cable outer to a V-brake.

The more time consuming and potentially costly way of doing it would be to remove the noodle and drill out the lower cable stop. I sucessfully did this to one of my ebay Saracen frames so I could run V's.

There are some pictures here:

So perhaps the simplest option would be to stick with cantis.

By the way have you got any more pictures of your Sahara frame. I'm still unsure what year my frame actually is and any clues would be very useful...?
I'm 99% sure that you already know (because even I do) but you'll have to change the levers too. Shouldn't be expensive unless they are integrated with your shifters. If they are, then you might want to trying switching your pads for Kool Stops and tuning your cantis - it's hard to tell from the photo but your hanger at the front looks high - the straddle cable should be much flatter as I recall. Take a look at Sheldon Brown's pages on cantilevers.
Arrggh, I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be easy. :evil: I didn't expect to have to replace my levers (which have integrated thumbshifters). Right, I'm off to sulk...

drystonepaul":2i7drzxz said:
By the way have you got any more pictures of your Sahara frame. I'm still unsure what year my frame actually is and any clues would be very useful...?
No problem, check out this thread...
Tune your cantis and put Kools in. There's bags more power there. And if your brakes have been losing power it might be time to replace the cables. Properly set up cantis will lock your wheels - V's have more power in the brake, but less in the lever, so they're not necessarily more powerful than cantis, just easier to set up and less prone to interacting with big feet (like mine).
V brakes are superior to cantis because they modulate much better-it's not weather you can lock up the wheel or not, rather how quickly you can feather in enough brake to stop WITHOUT locking the wheel and skidding. Used lever/brake sets aren't that expensive, as they have been around now for 15 years or so.
Thanks Pat, I'd love to fit V-brakes but it looks like my retrobike is a bit too retro to accommodate them... :(
Err, visually I can see that your canti set up is a bit off. Raise the straddle wire on the rear up a tad - you'll need to move the pads away from the rim a little to do this. Also, there should be a bit of cable outer on the right side at the rear between the straddle bit and the canti. Finally, the straddle wire on the left at the rear, should be connected on the end, not on the cast bit 1/4 of the way along the wire!

I have the same cantis on my bike and they offer loads of power if set up correctly, you just need to tinker a bit!