Can anyone help me out shortening a bolt please?


Senior Retro Guru
Can anyone help me out shortening a bolt please? I don't have the equipment to do it myself.

What has happened is... I bought a frame with irregular sized rear brake bosses, M6. After scouring here, the internet and eBay I finally found some replacement bosses in M6. The trouble is that the threaded part is far too long for my frame. I had a go with some bolt cutter but it made a right arse of the bolt so I had to get another pair.

Does anyone have the right equipment to shorten 2 of them for me please? I would abviously pay postage both ways and chuck a bit of karma your way too.

Much appreciated.
run a nut on to the bosss first before you cut them! that way after you've cut them and run the file over the cut ends, when you run the nut off it will clean up the threads and in theory allow you to fit them ok first time! best off getting a junior hacksaw with a fine blade, your more likly to bounce a hacksaw and screw up the thread and damage it!
AlanF's method is best only thing I would add is if there is the length to make doubly sure lock two nuts against each other.
If not already said
First put a couple of nuts on first before you cut it[if possible]

this will help you clear and align the thread when a deformaty or burr is caused at the end during cutting.

I use two because i use the first to clear the thread,then a quick tickle with the file then take off the 2nd nut to check the thread is ok
...even better method is to use two nuts (space allowing) and cut between them; keeps the cut face nice and straight :cool:

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