Campagnolo self extracting bolt removal tool...

That's a lovely thing, isn't it? Guiseppe is truly a master of the torch. He figures that he made somewhere around 40,000 frames, but is still learning the craft. As of 2018, he was also still setting records on the bike too, albeit in the 75+ categories
That's my second Marinoni. My first was bought in 84', and I raced on that bike for four seasons, until I sold it at the end of 88. I wasn't planning on buying another one, but when I saw that one, and the groupo that was on it and the near pristine condition, I couldn't pass it up. Plus, it was local so I was able to check it out. It rounds out the herd. 8, 10 and 11 speed Record. Two steel (Master), one carbon (C60).