Campag 8 speed hubs


Old School Hero
I have a couple of Campag 8 Speed hubs in the garage, one still built up on an early Mavic CX10 rim (I think, raining & not going to the garage to check!) Anyway, I want to find out whether there is a practical way of using these with the 9 speed Ergos I've got on my audax bike. The cassette bodies are a different shape to the 9/10 speed hubs I'm using on that. Want some spare wheels & thought I might try using these hubs.

If not practical they may end up in the For Sale section. Some idea of likely prices would be handy. I think they are Chorus hubs, both 32 spokes. Were used regularly & are quite dull now although polish should improve that. Internals feel ok, pretty smooth running. Also got a 36 hole Record front hub in a knackered mavic rim but hub looks ok. Am I likely to get takers for this kind of stuff?
I'm not sure how to get 8 sp and 9 sp talking, but campy 8 is eminently 'sell-able' and you could pick up a cheap set of fulcrum/campy 9 sp wheels with the proceeds...
8 speed campag

to change campag 8 speed cassette to 9 speed you need

1 campag 8 speed cassette only record available around £35 from either ebay or many on line cycle shops
7 marchisio campag 10 speed gold spacers size 2.65mm
1 marchisio sprocket
1 marchisio campag adapter
I get them from Chris at Highpath engineering
if you are using a marchisio sprocket bigger than 23T you need a spacer/strenthener for a campagnolo 10 speed
finally you need to machine the top sprocket down to match the 2.65mm spacers on all the other sprockets, thing they are 3.2mm as standard
jusr re assemble the sprockets with the 10 speed spacers and the extra sprocket and adapter and you have a 9 speed cassette on an 8 speed hub
which works with 9 speed ergos.
also a nine speed shimano cassette/wheel seems to work perfectly with campag ergos/rear gear.
You can still get the 9s freehub body as a spare - swap the body and presto your wheels are 9 speed.

Try Mercian for the freehub body, or cannibalise an oldish 9s hub from ebay or wherever.
I find my self in much the same situation as the OP.
I thought that 8 speed and 9 speed wee not compatible. Would be great if they are though.
Have you tried?
I got my 9sp shimano shifters to work with 8sp cassette no worries.
I know it can be a lot of effort to find out, and if it doesn't work....don't swear at me!
Good luck
8 speed

shimano 9 speed STI works perfect with 8 speed shimano cassette

campag 8 speed are totaly differant fit than 9 speed and are the cassettes are not interchangeable.

dont know if the bodies are interchangeable on the hubs
The freehub bodies are interchangeable. I run 1996 Campag Record hubs which were modded with the 9 speed freehub body.

Mixing 9 speed shifters and 8 speed cassettes is dodgy - often you can get it to work relying on the float in the rear mech, BUT it tends to go off quickly as cables get dirty. 9 and 8 speed cassettes have different spacings, and Campag 9 is not the same as Shimano 9.

Look at the CTC technical pages or for details on how to do things like the Hubbub mod to get round it.
Wow, thanks all for the responses & apols it's over a year late. I must have had topic response notification off as I didn't realise I'd had so many replies. So based on these replies (and getting accidentally locked out by my wife!) was sheltering from the rain in the garage on Monday night & thought I'd have a go at sorting this out. I found a knackered 9 speed campag wheel in my "collection" and tried removing the cassette body from it even though I didn't know what I was doing, figured it's knackered so what's the worst that could happen. No idea it was so easy, once I realised, took the 8-speed body of a reasonable condition rear wheel I had, popped on the 9 speed body (some faffing getting pawls back in) & now its in my LBS to get dished & respaced, the 9 speed cassette extends out over the end of the axle at the moment. Also want a once over from them before trying it out on a long ride.

Cheers all for the advice, on the look out now for more spare 9 speed campag cassette bodies as I've got another decent condition 8 speed hub I want to convert & build up with a GP4 rim I've got. Then I'll have 2 spare 8 speed cassette bodies to get rid of.

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