Bytch of the day award...

Pickle":3g1u7w7b said:
My little man loves ragging it down the aisles! His laughter tends to alert people to move out of the way whilst we're traveling at warp factor 9 through Tesco's :LOL:

Another bit of fun is to spin the trolley to see how many complete revolutions you can get in the aisles. Special bonus points if it finishes without knocking any food off the displays.
I've played that game ;-)
Pickle":3g1u7w7b said:
An extra 10 bonus points if you can do it without the wife tutting, moaning and calling you immature :roll:
That too!
fingers":105edoo5 said:
For a true test of mettle, you need a 'continental' trolley, with only front steering wheels... The rears are locked dead ahead (ish)... Great fun (and rollovers) to be had in france/spain et al...

Have you ever tried the double-width trolleys in Costco?
Them bad-boys have the fronts locked and only the rears steer.

Scary stuff indeed :shock:
Hmmm, me and Alfie only manage x1 360deg spin in the aisles of Tesco today before getting a tut and sigh from the wife.

Pah, she doesnt understand :roll: