Bytch of the day award...

South Bound

Senior Retro Guru
OK, I know I am too old to ride along on shopping trolleys, but just occasionally I like to be a kid. So, kids safely strapped into car, I returned shopping trolley to the appropriate place and decided to let off steam with a ride. Standard thing, just ease body up onto handle and glide along like a kid. Not harming anyone.

Well except myself of course when the thing toppled over in the car park and i went flat on my face/knees/hands. Keys in pocket of course leading to instant dead leg, scabby knees and palms of hands.

Now I do hope that all of you are wetting yourself at this, cause if I am honest I would be at you if you had launched yourself into mid air trying to break the world trolley speed record and landed flat on the road. But the thing that got me was the hag that walked in front of me and said 'that is what you get for showing off'. No concern, no 'are you ok bleeding there in the road?' just a crap statement that I deserved it. Of course, in my pleasant mood, I responded with thanks for her concern, but I just wonder what makes people say something like that...

Don't get me wrong, I am a military man and would have expected p*ss-taking from my mates, but at least they would have asked if I was ok!

So BOTD award goes to the B in Waitrose carpark today. I do hope when she is having her first coronary in a couple of years time that someone helps her out and does not say 'that is what you get for eating so many cakes' while walking away.

Whinge over.

Now that is showing off :LOL:

In all seriousness I did something pretty similar @ work the other day on a pallet truck :roll: , with everyone watching, so I had the piss ripped out of me royally, and no silly comments about 'showing off' either.
What makes people say that ? unoriginality :roll:

Whenever I do it in the supermarket the staff give me dirty looks :LOL:

The most fun is getting the rear of the trolley sideways around the corners between aisles , there has been many a time when I've been caught mid drift by some inconsiderate fool getting in the way . I like to go wide , clip the apex with the front of the trolley and exit wide . It can be hard work on the exit when your trolley is overweight and you are going sideways more than forward and come into contact with the shelving , or worse someone who doesn't understand the rules of the shopping grand prix " GET OFF MY LINE ! " :LOL:

I had to stop going in the end as I was taking it a bit too seriously . It's hard to compete in the pro shopping circuit when your mrs is only concerned with buying stuff . Vital time was lost waiting at the ends of aisles and people can't take a grown man shouting " go , go , go " " come on we can take these fookers in the tracksuit , their trolley is slow " and yes I did divide the food so I got the trolley to handle how I wanted it to ( bias to the front but not so much it risks spinning out )
That's pretty funny.

Perry, that's ace! I'm really hoping that's an accurate account of your shopping trips
i no your pain was tractor sledgeing at work my boots just sliding on the ice when bang i forgot about the speed bump and then your feet catch and the tractor keeps going something has to give :roll: :oops: :oops:
perry":3swg0ass said:
and yes I did divide the food so I got the trolley to handle how I wanted it to ( bias to the front but not so much it risks spinning out )

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that does this .....
For a true test of mettle, you need a 'continental' trolley, with only front steering wheels... The rears are locked dead ahead (ish)... Great fun (and rollovers) to be had in france/spain et al...
My little man loves ragging it down the aisles! His laughter tends to alert people to move out of the way whilst we're traveling at warp factor 9 through Tesco's :LOL:

Another bit of fun is to spin the trolley to see how many complete revolutions you can get in the aisles. Special bonus points if it finishes without knocking any food off the displays.

An extra 10 bonus points if you can do it without the wife tutting, moaning and calling you immature :roll: