Brooks saddles and sit bone question.

IMO the Colt is one of the few leather saddles that actually looks the part on vintage Italian or French steel bikes. B17s look kinda silly on a skinny steel frame and the Brooks Pro just looks like a big settee!
Chapeau on your coast to coast…I did it with my wife over 4 days! I wasn’t aware of a Ti version…I have an Italian SLX frameset…a Pro hurt my hips…skirts whacked them….How wide is the Colt? Swift seems ok .
It's not super wide like the Pro, to me it's just right for all day cycling. Whoever designed it knew a bit about cutaways and angles because once you're on it, it's very easy to forget it. The leather is nicely trimmed and I really like the shape of it, not just aesthetics but like I said for comfort it's hard to beat. My son is a big miler , about 12-14k miles per year and he's into his third year on it. A B17 would be wrecked by then!
The coast to coast was a blast, I did it in ah big bunch of twenty riders so a lot easier that a solo effort. We got a bit cocky and started drinking with twenty miles to go. The last ten were gruesome... Haha 😂 😂 😂
It's not super wide like the Pro, to me it's just right for all day cycling. Whoever designed it knew a bit about cutaways and angles because once you're on it, it's very easy to forget it. The leather is nicely trimmed and I really like the shape of it, not just aesthetics but like I said for comfort it's hard to beat. My son is a big miler , about 12-14k miles per year and he's into his third year on it. A B17 would be wrecked by then!
Do you have a Colt I could borrow?

The Swift is 150mm at its widest point…Could you measure the Colt at its widest point?

According to the web…a Colt measures 156mm at its widest point.
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The coast to coast was a blast, I did it in ah big bunch of twenty riders so a lot easier that a solo effort. We got a bit cocky and started drinking with twenty miles to go. The last ten were gruesome... Haha 😂 😂 😂
Cycling after a scone and coffee is difficult enough! 😹
I use a B17 narrow (the stock one is too wide) and tried and gave up on the Swift very rapidly. The B17N is very similar in shape to my all-time favourite, the San Marco Regal.
Do you have a Colt I could borrow?

The Swift is 150mm at its widest point…Could you measure the Colt at its widest point?

According to the web…a Colt measures 156mm at its widest point.
156-160mm sounds about right. I've got quite a big arse and it really suits me fine😬 I'm sorry, I'm all out of Colts right now - I'm making do with an Ideale TB90 with the alloy rails. From memory I'd say the colt is roughly the same dimensions as the San Marco Supercorsa, another very comfortable, race proven saddle. It's not super light at 530gr but you do get an awful lot of top end, nice hide leather for your money. When they retailed they were not cheap - about £150 as I remember, but they last forever and the ride #experience IMO is hard to beat
Also if you like Swifts, my favourite in that style is the original Swallow (which is a lot wider than the modern remakes) I've had a few of them and they are another fit and forget it piece of equipment. Hard to find now 60's versions, but as above if looked after they will outlive you and probably your grandchildren. My pal has one from the 30's still going strong and soon to be getting a card from the King 😂
I'm writing this from a very nice wooden bench on the Canal Du Midi. It's a very balmy 20C and my wife is making sandwiches with a lovely looking bit of ham. Saddle wise, we're both on fifty year old leather. Who would have it any other way! 😬😂😂


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