Yea I totally agree with you ,,
But when I first started using them I was in two minds as the price is ...well.... lets just say .. er.. not cheap... :shock: :shock: ,
Also I looked at it as ,, well they are your blo&dy brakes,,, the thing that stops you slamming / dropping off that wall ,rock, tree, car etc (delete as appropriate

but honestly they are really worth it , I have use the majority of other makers pads on the market and I think even on a £ to value ratio , they are deff 10/10 as they will outlast at least two sets of inferior pads :shock: how , why I dont know ? some magic compound perhaps ?
I have never used any other pads , that performs so well in the wet and the dry , and especially the northumberlamd , and scottish dirt and grit which is hard on all components..
Highly highly recommended here

And you get some a nice sticker with them too

,, but only one mind