classen":1xjbp6gy said:
I'm also strangely attracted to Jamis Diablo's 1989 Jamis Diablo. I just want to tighten up those toe straps and hammer down my local single track trail. I'm not a big fan of the yellow cables, but they do accent the other yellow bits nicely. I must admit I'm a bit a bike snob so when I see what I consider a BSO I usually just skip on down to the next entry, but I really like this one.
I didn't want t response to this, but I do it anyway.
It is not nice to call someones bike a BSO, no matter what kind of snob you are.
The reason I like Jamis is becaue of their great quality and nice build frames.
Jamis produced MTB's since '83 and is still going stong, winning prices every year for great value for money.
They have always, and still are, produced high quality steel MTB and road frames.
You don't have to worry it will crack or rust easily like some famous brands, it just goes on.
I bought my first MTB in '90, and just rode it every day, never saw programs or read mags about MTB's, so I don't have any unicorns I have to collect.
That leaves me with collecting this underdog, which I like a lot, because I know I can beat it hard on the trails, and that is more important for me than having an expensive anodised garage queen.
And it is nice to know you won't find a simulair one on this great forum.
(If it wasn't for that pesky Makster)