Just one thing and I'm sure you meant top build in the right way.
Pip was never one to build a bike NOS or a throwback catalogue build. He was always thinking of what works best today, using a blend of older and newer parts. Whilst he certainly had strong views on 1* (see his Emperors New Clothes thread for a proper chuckle), he used 2* a lot and as wadsy's build reflects, it has some proper stealth parts just as Pip's original build did to. Check out the wheelset, the forks, the brakes, the cranks - it's super-high quality.
It's stupidly light, super plush, and with the quality frame, I have no doubt it's a blast to ride with the best direct pedal power to go feel out there. If only it was 19"... (not sure I've mentioned that before)
While i have no bad feelings about updated components on a retro frame, thinking as indeed Pip did that it can even improve the ride quality. There are, to me anyway, some bikes/frames that go beyond the simple quality frame tag. The KK is a great example as you say, the components on Wadsy's build would compliment most frames and i have no doubt it is as you say, a blast to ride. However, and for me a big however, the frame in question is to me the best Kona on the site, a flagship frame from my favourite brand, painted in what i consider the best custom paint option Kona ever put out, with the beautiful bare stay touch, and to top it all, my size (otherwise the personal desirability would not be near the same level), which all add up to a truly unique piece, which brings me back to my original statement, deserving of a top draw build, and of course, that will always be subjective