BoTM April 2K+8 - get your nominations in

meh kleins are too common, and to be honest the storm paint job is frankly ugly in my opinion.

My budget wont stretch to anything like a ponced up klein, and i had to give the ti special last month a wide birth for the same reasons, At the end of the day it doesnt matter if your bike cost £3k and has never been used or £150 and gets used every weekend (infact some would prefer to see them this way)...get your entries in, lets see whats out there.

(I should have kept mine for a special..possibly the long awaited Orange O2 edition of BOTM)
Re: 1993 Klein Adroit "Tinker Juarez Replica"

Shamus":nsumsibc said:
Archangel":nsumsibc said:
Here's my nomination for the BOTM:
1993 Klein Adroit in Team Storm built as a Tinker Juarez Replica.

and the winner is... :shock:

The fat lady hasn't even finished clearing her throat yet!. ;)
My Manitou FS...

Already known, but...




More pics and specs here - ... ht=manitou
Dhphat":jpdd3gv1 said:
cchris2lou":jpdd3gv1 said:
Build is mainly Mavic and Campagnolo .

They are compatible?

they shift fine , and I have a shimano cassette . :LOL:

I cant use the granny ring as rear mech is short cage but apart from that it is fine .
I'll reluctantly submit the 92 Specialized M2 Ned Replica...



...But the Tinker is a winner. Possibly the most important VRC bike since the JTR.
ameybrook":uff2vdfa said:
...But the Tinker is a winner. Possibly the most important VRC bike since the JTR.

there's alot of Ned/Specialized fans out there dude - I reckon even Kai may vote for yours :D