Book title question


Old School Hero
OK, this is going to sound a little weird, but whatever, this site has the largest group of Britons I can ask this of...I'm trying to find out the title of a bawdy English book that I read back in my teens; it's something I read one summer when I was staying at my grandparents, found it in a pile of silly books my uncle had loaned to them. As I recall it, the protagonist of the story was some hapless fellow who managed to walk into getting himself shagged regardless of his own ineptitude. The story was told from his point of view, literally, as though he was saying it to himself in his own head. The crescendo of his trysts always ended up with him saying, "Tell her cor. Tell her strewth. Tell her ahh-h-h-h."
Sounds like Cherrybomb might be quite right there. Theres a few of these i think, and window cleaner was made into a film. Confessions of a window cleaner, confessions of a postman - you get the picture. And yup, they're p1ss your pants funny! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: the authors are timothy lea and christopher wood or something.. google dude ;)