Been playing with this again, swapped the brakes for some Avid Mag V's with some XTR M950 levers/shifters, fitted an XT rear mech for the time being. I plan to fit an M950 eventually. Also swapped the pedals to SPD, nothing wrong with the Onzas just my only Onza cleats are on summer shoes and it's started to get cold! The Sachs stuff and Maguras will probably find their way back to the Privateer.
@slackboy thanks Matt that would be awesome, I'll PM you. @yakboy thanks, I agree. I'm in two minds about what to do with the fork, I think these look good in the bike and function wise they're probably as good as old forks get, although they are a bit hefty. On the other hand I have the proper short offset Bontrager Judy crown and kind of like the idea of an FSX, not sure what to do really!
@pw_pw_la I think you're right Phil and it's one of those things that once I get the idea in my head, It has to be done! I've just about finished paying off the frame so will be on the look out for a suitable FSX, there's a couple on ebay at the moment but the prices seem excessive to me! @slackboy, I need to get the steerer swapped for a threadless one, then I'll probably fit the Judy XC until the right FSX comes along.
Then it's just the wheels I want to change, there's a bit of play in the rear hub that does my head in, changing the bearings, axle and all the internal spacers didn't get rid of it.
Ideally I'd like some Bontrager/King Race lites, but I suspect they're not going to be easy or cheap to come by in good condition. Other options would be some first generation Crossmax in good condition. Get hold of a 28h DT Hugi front hub and rebuild these Ceramic 217s with DT hubs or find another silver Ti-glide and rebuild the rear wheel. I want dark rims and skinwall tyres, which means ceramic rims for me, I can't stand the look of worn anodising!