Bontrager Ti lite

Picked up some Race Lite wheels on Ebay over the weekend, they're a bit newer with DT 240 based hubs rather than King. They're in reasonably good condition, I'll put new bearings in the hubs, the front one has gone and I'll do the rear just for peace of mind. The ceramic is in good nick and they're tight and true. For £50 I couldn't say no! DSC_0380.webp DSC_0382.webp DSC_0383.webp _20220419_183335.webp _20220419_183400.webp
Nice score Ben.

I only just noticed with this batch of photos tho: Why the Avid V's, rather than the M950 kind, to match the rest of the XTR kit?

Wish this thing was a few sizes larger and that I could take it out for a spin!
Cheers Phil. 👍
Brakes were simply a case of money at the time, they are the magnesium version so lightweight and were cheap! 😁
It is bugging me now though, so I will probably get some M950s, I just wish you could tell how much rattle the linkages have from looking at pictures of them!
I also suspect there's an M950 crankset in its future as well.
If you're ever in the East Northants area (why you would be, who knows, it's a long way from L.A. 😂😂)
you're very welcome to get cramped up and give it a go! 😁
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I'm used to getting cramped up mate.

I own a 15" Phoenix!

Will keep an eye out for any M950 V's doing to affordable rounds for you...
Couple of little changes, Continental Race King 2.2 set up tubeless and thanks to Rich @mr_ship for the XTR V-brakes.
The tyres have made a nice difference, lightweight, fast rolling and supple, coupled with all the Ti it absorbs vibration like no other bike I have owned and goes like a stabbed rat! Very comfortable place to be and doesn't hurt that it looks nice either! 🙂 DSC_0528.webp DSC_0529.webp DSC_0530.webp DSC_0531.webp DSC_0532.webp DSC_0533.webp
Ben that is looking fabulous now. I could never get a combination of parts and colours that I liked. I thought M950 XTR with the all grey titanium would look too drab but I think the yellow Judy’s and Brown Tyres add just enough contrast to lift it.

Great to hear that you are riding it and loving it as well!

Thanks Matt @mheywoo1 it's come out rather nicely I think, but then I'm obviously biased 😂 thanks again for the frame in the first place. 👍
@slackboy Matt the tyres came off ebay from Germany, the UK distributor doesn't bring in the 26" tan walls. I think they worked out about £50ish per tyre including Vat and postage, not cheap but considerably less than the Rene Herses I was looking at as well.
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