
Gold Trader
im after a set of blue cantilevers, (front and rear)
what ya all got ?
they must be in good condition.
pauls/ speed contollers etc etc.
anything considered,
cheers andy
Sorry about the hijack. If the original poster doesn't want the purple cantis, I could well be interested. Pm me or post here if they're still available. Thanks, Rob
am bike building saturday, will dig em out and post back then, cheers

free bump for the blues needed ;)
I've got a set of Avid Tri-align in blue ano....they are boxed somewhere, and I need to check on their condition. Will take pics once I locate them. Let me know if those would be high-end enough for what you have in mind.
GoldenEraMTB":3g2133o6 said:
I've got a set of Avid Tri-align in blue ano....they are boxed somewhere, and I need to check on their condition. Will take pics once I locate them. Let me know if those would be high-end enough for what you have in mind.

ive pmed you mate ;)
magicmistertea":20lrluq9 said:
GoldenEraMTB":20lrluq9 said:
I've got a set of Avid Tri-align in blue ano....they are boxed somewhere, and I need to check on their condition. Will take pics once I locate them. Let me know if those would be high-end enough for what you have in mind.

ive pmed you mate ;)

pm'd you back...will have the pics up here shortly, and you have first dibs, magic. Others have contacted me already, but I like to play it straight :)
GoldenEraMTB":77dboffu said:
magicmistertea":77dboffu said:
GoldenEraMTB":77dboffu said:
I've got a set of Avid Tri-align in blue ano....they are boxed somewhere, and I need to check on their condition. Will take pics once I locate them. Let me know if those would be high-end enough for what you have in mind.

ive pmed you mate ;)

pm'd you back...will have the pics up here shortly, and you have first dibs, magic. Others have contacted me already, but I like to play it straight :)

thanks for that !! im really keen and as long as we settle on an agreeable price, im sure ill have them.

Message to others............ start your own wanted thread !! :LOL: