Bit of fun - How long as a percentage of your life have you owned your bike?

Sheesh, how many digits of precision would you like sir?

> 50%
It’s kinda the whole point of the thread if you carefully read sir ….. it’s not how long in years , but as a percentage of your life.

We’ve had many how long have you owned your bike threads but thought it’s interesting when it’s compared to your life.
Oh, I have a GT performer, given to me by someone in the UK snowboard association (NO I CANT REMEMBER WHY) when I was 16, so that's 62%.
Road bike (decathlon) I bought new at 21 with student loan, 50% and still going strong.
Everything else is around the 20% mark.
My oldest is 25 percent exactly. That made me think, since there have been a few; what the amount of bikes owned is to years lived?
This is actually 1:1,6, so every 1,6 years a bicycle.
Harry Hall 531 road frame, bought when their shop was bombed out in 1996. Merlin Cycles Malt steel bought the same year. I was 22, so owned for 55% of my life.
Both pretty much valueless to anyone else but important to me.