Bikes and Bridges

Auld Brig'O'Dee, East of Braemar, Marin Bolinas Ridge '96

No longer used for traffic but connects up the trails around Braemar/Balmoral, another two for one as the now road bridge runs just upstream.


The River Dee from the Balmoral side....

There were glimpses of blue sky, but mizzle [misty drizzle] too.
Garbh Allt Shiel Bridge [1925], River Dee. Claud Butler Velox S.


I said I'd get a ride today no matter what. This beautiful bridge was a nice option for a Wednesday road-ride when traffic is low and a good candidate for a designated photo-shoot for this topic. A couple of niggles on the Velox-S were worked on last week, some embedded grime removed and a frame polish completed. It was good to get it out on the road. There was something unusual in that there was sunshine, whatever next?
The "Private Keep Out" signs are usually not far behind
There has been a HUGE amount of that going on in the Highlands over the last forty years. Folks not caring about our right to roam/etc. We have had numerous confrontations thanks to new landowners having not a clue about the laws. Generally, the large estates are considerate and accommodating; it tends to be those who've got a relatively small parcel of land who shove up gates, fences, signs and leylandii.