BoTM Bike of The Month March 2022 - now taking entries

Bike of The Month
Can I ask - is there an (re-) issue with re-issue tyres in BOTM?
An entry has been withdrawn - and yet there are plenty of other entries that have re-issues on them.

Obviously, there isn't the availability of NOS rubber from BITD - otherwise it wouldn't be limited to grade wall hangers and museum pieces.
Personally, I'd rather see re-issue rubber on a bike over modern stuff - but it's pretty minor.

So what is the goal here? Is it to build period bikes - but with allowances to ensure they actually get used for the purpose they are intended for?
I'm sure all the classic auto racing guys aren't running their Ferraris and GT40s etc on original 1950s or 60s rubber.

I'm sure as hell not buying NOS because I want to ride these bikes.