BoTM Bike of The Month July 2024, now taking entries

Bike of The Month


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Triple Crown
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
Rocky Mountain Fan
Brodie Fan
Another standard month for July, so have at it!

Useful for the poll if you can structure your nomination as follows:

username's Year Manufacturer Model , e.g. @al's 1995 weird bouncy thing
Image(s) MAXIMUM OF 2
Finally please include a link to your machine in the relevant Reader's Bikes section. If you don't have an existing post now is the time to add one with as much detail as you like!
Link to all the rules

Nominations thread will run for the entire month of July. Entries submitted after July the 31st will not be counted. The poll will go up shortly after the nominations close and will run for a week.
I’ll kick off this month to get the ball rolling.
Just finished this.

Tomianson’s 1990 (ish) Paul Donohue fillet brazed MTB

Build thread here.

IMG_8285.jpeg IMG_8286.jpeg
ratcapa P-23 finished over the summer, I mean spell of slightly less cold weather.

Build thread and pics

i had this one out for a ride recently and had some better pictures taken, will give it a try this month.

retro roy's 1990 REK TEK chromo

eric yellow rek tek1.jpg yellow rek tek5.jpg