Bike makes and car makes ?

I've always compared my AMP to a Caterham 7, light and fast 8) ........and just maybe a bit fragile

my kona is like my BMW

there are some really tasty ones, but even the dull ones are more fun than their peers.
Pashley = Morgan,

Pace = Ginnetta [Like Lola but Yorkshire]

Canondale= Studebaker. An American company that was smaller than people realised, geographically seperate from the rest of the industry and they believed in doing things their way not the accepted way.

Raleigh =MG. Had their name stuck onto loads of different products of wildly varying quality and credibility. For years Raleighs were the default British bicycle in the same way that MG's were the default British sports car. Of late they've both plumetted into an abyss. They might [Nominally] be still in business but sadly asking if they are is just a question where few people care about the answer.

Orange = pre G.M S.A.A.B
They both had that same built to a standard not a price aura. It was a high standard as well, as the entry level models [Clockwork, with Shimano/ 99 or briefly 600] were more expensive than their rivals but you got a lot for your money. They've always been good value and there is a lot of integrity there.
People who had 900's always seemed to have a 99 or 96 tucked away somewhere and dreamed about Sonetts or 99 turbo's just like people bought a Clockwork and then found they were trapped for ever and started having sweaty thoughts about Vit T2's or Roadie O's.

I've always thought Specialized is like Audi is at the moment. They are a mass marked product and it sells well at a slight premium. Civilians seem to aspire to own a Specialized just like they all want a silver Audi and although they aren't always memorable lookers they're both careful to make sure they don't sell anything howlingly ugly. They are the accepted face of corporate good taste.
Gary Fisher = Saab

Once a unique marque, doing their own thing, (Genesis geometry anyone?) now sadly consumed by a huge corporation...

(Fisher even used to have Saab sponsorship in the late-90s/early-00s!)