Bike Helmets

Rod_Saetan":35uikvdh said:
Evangelism and (internet) didacticism does more to turn people against these things than for, I will only say this; I believe in Evolution, therefore it bothers me not if you wear a helmet.


I'm actually kind of a poster-boy for helmet-wearing insofar as I never used to and have sustained some fairly serious head injuries that have contributed to my having a severe migraine on average once a week - my neurologist has made it very clear to me that aside from a genetic predisposition to migraine the 2 hairline fractures I have sustained from unhelmeted head/ground interactions have aggravated my condition immeasurably. One of those accidents (in 1989) was bad enough that I did not recover consciousness for a hour after the crash, the other (in 1994) scrambled the contents of my inner ear so badly that I would spontaneously fall off chairs for several weeks afterwards.

Do I wear a helmet now?

Damn straight!
Magsy":1uwh2nl8 said:
Helmets are something we didn't have when I was a kid, I fell off hundreds of times and sustained all sorts of injuries none on the head. My dad taught me to cycle by pushing me down a big hill so I had speed and could balance, I would always fall off at the end and bang myself up but I learned, quickly :p
same here fell on my head loads of times, have the scars and stitch marks to prove it.

i agree if its a relatively minor journey i wouldn't bother. But if im out and it involves roads then its a yes. im older now and dont bounce so well as i did when i was younger, nor have i got the flexibility to fall more safely, if you can call it that.

Posting anything on the internet immeadiately becomes the truth and thus people will now sight this thread as proof that not wearing a helmet is safe.

Not wearing one at your own risk is one thing, advocating its safer than not wearing one is pretty irresponsible.
not wearing a helmet is stupid, on pretty much and ride

my friend hit a jump he landed badly and banged his head on the side, he was wearing a helmet, he died twice, but hes fine now. once in the ambulance and once in the hospital, he flatlined. if he wasnt wearing one Im pretty sure he would have just died the once and stayed dead.
I banged my head the day after i bought my first helmet and got concussion. think the vids still on youtube :LOL: ... 97A8DA912F

last week while just out for an evening casual bike with my dog I slipped on a wet tree root, went down a steep enbankment and hit a tree , I had my mobile on me but dont think I would have been concous to call for help if I wasnt wearing my helmet, also went backwards of a wet wooden bridge on the same ride and bust my shock.
I live in the alps, people sometimes dont wear protection on casual bike rides or no trancievers when snowboarding cos they dont plan on going off piste, alot of people get hurt and many die, Many take every precievably precation and still die.
Any fool can play the tough guy but trees and rocks are alot tougher, I use to think I was indestructible till I smashed into a tree and ended up been given 25% chance of pulling through.
WEAR a HELMET , especially if you got kids, set an example[/url]
Andy R":22z7zu13 said:
konatime":22z7zu13 said:
You assume correct Andy (though if memory serves me right i think a similiar example is available with multi-vents/but not chin gaurd :roll: ), yeah i 've seen the Mx offerings...can't understand why down hill riding is full wraparound and other styles that include folk going downhills or smashing thier teeth down thier throat at relatively slow speed feel full protection non worthy. Perhaps a bit of :oops: summed in thier somewhere...either way...there looks to be a little gap in the bike helmet multi task market.

You can get vented piss-pot type helmets but even they fall a long way short of the ventilation you get with something like the Giro Xen (which is what I use).
Anything that offered worthwhile face protection would be absolute purgatory to do any sustained climbing in - a lot of people use full face helmets for alpine riding (AM or freeride or whatever) but most of them will be using uplifts of one kind or another.
I do climbs of 1,500 - 2,000 metres in Greece, often in temps. of 35-40°C and I wouldn't want to be wearing a helmet that's any heavier or has less ventilation than I already have ;)

Anyone had a do with these ... fisher-met they look a bit more on the function.
One the last 15 years I saw dozens of riders crashing at low speed against rocks and trees, if it wasnt the fact that they all weared a helmet im sure at least 60 % of them would be seriously injured. I remember the last read on my vdo on an occasional ride with some friends on an "not that steep downhill" was 40 km/h. I went sideways against a pine tree (even dented my zaskar frame) my helmet served as a cushion on impact against the tree bark, i cant believe now how lucky i was, imagine if it was against a wall, car, or a sidewalk......