Bike Helmets


Retro Guru
BITD I never used to wear a helmet riding either on the roads, or off. I'm not sure if it's my age or not but got my first one this weekend and wore it on the work commute today. Still undecided
Well, its the right thing to do, many years ago I broke a helmet in half when my Orange Clockwork hit it at during a high speed crash.

I would never entertain riding without one ever

The best way to decide, is if you get hit by a bus, and then scrape your head along the pavement....does it hurt less without the helmet???


It really is a no brainer.....literally!!
better safe than sorry. although some of the nice ones can be pricey (i'm still on a £15 argos thing for the authentic mushroom look).

i always make sure my son rides with a helmet too.
misteroo":3mg2ob02 said:
The best way to decide, is if you get hit by a bus, and then scrape your head along the pavement....does it hurt less without the helmet???

Quite right! Never had a crash involving a knock on the lid, thank god. I rather value the way I think / speak / move etc. Not worth the risk IMO.

I even thought that as an 11 year old ... also BITD could you actually enter a race without a helmet??
I ride Giro myself; had a big one earlier this year which could have had me ending up in hospital. Smashed the hat up completely. Good thing with Giro is that if you do bust it and it's less than 3 years old and you have proof of purchase you can send it back to the distributor and get another at a hefty discount. My replacement Hex ended up as 50% of the original price. I just wouldn't entertain the idea of riding without a helmet at all.

Giro helmets look the best as well (IMHO) :cool:
I recall, the specialized one I broke , they replaced free of charge, not sure what their policy is nowdays.

I then brought an Etto, and looked cool :D
have to agree with you. I got a Met helmet. Apart from being a little bit hotter it's nice and comfy. Should have got one years ago, but at least i've got one now. Felt a bit of a hypocrite making the kids wear them, when i didn't. Always used to wear one on my BMX though.
The only racing I used to do was the X-Lite at matchams and didn't wear a helmet then. Or lycra. Just timberland boots and a pair of cut off jeans.
If I do a short hop (like a mile down to the town or whatever) I don't tend to wear a helment although I know that I should, if I'm honest. Same if I'm just messing around in the garden on the bike trying out new stuff.

If I'm off for any decent length ride though I always wear one. Had way too many offs not too. Was saved a fairly massive head injury many years ago when I hit a damp drain lid at 40mph (this was on the MaxTrax on a road section coming back from my local hill), went straight over the bars and slid down the road on my back for rather too long. I reckon that the padding I had to wear on my shoulder blades and elbows for those weeks and weeks would have been a lot more uncomfortable had they been touching that nice bare bit of skull that would have been left after scraping my head down the tarmac (I remember the state of the Bell afterwards).

And no, wearing a tiny helmet isn't going to save me from a bus but then again not a lot is - whereas at least if I do wear a helment I can save myself from all those stupid sort of accidents that can catch you out (including all the daft stuff that can catch you out off road - tank slappers, losing one end or the other on something rough, misjuding an obstacle, jump, etc).

Personally I would alwyas recommend wearing a helment (on the occasions I don't I always ride a lot more cautiously) - I think that we've all binned it enough times (be it off road, as mentioned above, or ended up in a hedge thanks to a careless driver) not too.

Btw, the 'it wouldn't save you from a bus' argument is a bit like not wearing a seat belt because it wouldn't save you from being crushed by a lorry. :)
I split one in half against a tree on Cannock chase once......I'm just glad I was wearing it!.......I had a stinking headache for days after but it could have been so much worse, I just don't think it's worth the risk!.....