Bike frame shipping New Zealand - help please!


Retro Guru
Anyone ever done it? I’ve got someone who wants to buy a frame off me who lives in New Zealand of all places! He’s asking for a shipping quote, any ideas where to start??? :)

Personally I wouldn’t bother. I’ve stopped posting outside of UK now.

Lots of issues currently with the Brexit issues affecting posting to outside Europe.
Re: Bike frame international shipping

Hi, plenty of people on here post regular around the world, most rare parts you need are never near :LOL: there are a few threads on here discussing various couriers and services, including shipping to NZ/Australia. Hopefully someone will be along shortly to help out. Maybe putting NZ in the title may help.

You can also check around all the courier companies for quotes, googlie is you friend there, the main thing really is adequate insurance/compensation cover.