Big boys picking on the little fella

Just an other big company pushing the little guys about. Lawyers charging way over the odds to defend. It is all about greed. Specialised do not want others cashing in on their name(s) as they think they are taking profits away from them.
If you're on Facebook, you can register your displeasure by leaving a comment. Last night you couldn't see much other than links to the original blog article about the shop's dilemma and angry customers. Go and exercise some "people power", I did.
jonnyboy666":i9y4eekg said:
yeah i heard about this earlier today, just another reason for me not to like specialized.

idiots, what i would love to happen is the french government to intervene and say they are suing specialized for naming their bikes after the region.

D.O.C. !
jonnyboy666":1fu8fzoy said:
Sorry, I've been drinking too much spanish plonk recently.
I meant Appellation Controlee, the French restrictions on calling fodder and gargle after a region unless it comes from that region.
You can't call any old fizz Champagne, or any old lentils Puy.
Not sure it applies to bikes though...
It's the US trademark laws that are the sticking point. The simplest solution would be to apply Occam's Razor and license the name to the guy for $1. Alas, the simplest solution most often get's lost in the shuffle. If he ends up changing the name, my suggestion is Special Ed's Bicycle Studio, amidst much fanfare and media hype to equal/surpass the store recognition he's built up already.

And Mike Sinyard should be ashamed of himself for letting it get this far.
Café Roubaix Bicycle Studio on facebook has thanked the people who are behind them and have opened shipping to UK/EU and Australia/NZ to show its appreciation to all the supporters around the world.
FMJ":1kjv7q5v said:
It's the US trademark laws that are the sticking point. The simplest solution would be to apply Occam's Razor and license the name to the guy for $1. Alas, the simplest solution most often get's lost in the shuffle. If he ends up changing the name, my suggestion is Special Ed's Bicycle Studio, amidst much fanfare and media hype to equal/surpass the store recognition he's built up already.

And Mike Sinyard should be ashamed of himself for letting it get this far.

Is it true there's a strange American Law that says they have to legally enforce their trademarks? Which is what they are doing. If so, does this law also apply in Canada?
ian.allen2":1pocezdl said:
Café Roubaix Bicycle Studio on facebook has thanked the people who are behind them and have opened shipping to UK/EU and Australia/NZ to show its appreciation to all the supporters around the world.

i'm following the shop on FB now, i think he's gobsmacked by the support! was thinking of getting a T shirt from them. :)

every post on the generalized page has been spammed to hell aswel! :LOL:
Specialized for me perosnally made only 2 good products the Shiv Mk.I & the Maclaren TT Helmet of which I have both the rest I would not bother with.

Sad to hear that a small business that is helping the local economy is being stiffled by a bully.