Best saddle for under £30?


GT Fan
Raleigh Fan
Looking for a cheap, fairly light saddle that is comfortable, aesthetic and lightish.

- Charge Spoon
- Madison Flux
(both seem identical and under £22)

Any others?
I have both of those. I haven't done any miles on the Flux which is supposed to be slightly softer, but the Spoon is a really good saddle.
There are abunch of Sella Italia Saddles like the XO and X2. They have have a similar shape to the C2 which I use and love.

If you find an SDG bel air on sale by it, they are fantastic if you get one with that shape, many do.
I recently put a Madison Prime on the old Dawes..

Managed to pull it at 15 quid a bit of a bargain..

TBH it was hard to get used to.. Bit easier on the technique but not as comfy as the other saddle I had on it.

Was looking at the Charge Spoon though..
Got Spoon and Flux. Spoon is more comfy for me as the cloth bit of the flux seems to rub through lycra over about 50 miles. On my CX bike which rarely does 50 I don't notice a thing.
They also feel different but not a lot.
+1 for the Charge Spoon. I just got one from here, although the price has gone up slightly from the ridiculously bargainacious £17.50 they were doing them for a couple of weeks ago:

It's pretty firm when you first get onto it, but its nice shape means that it's still comfy after a good few miles. None of the strange hotspots you can get from initially more squidgy saddles.
If you want a white saddle and don't mind the underneath being bright orange then Wiggle are still selling Spoons for £14.99.

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