Best bike ever!

Ebikes on footpaths.
I'm not usually one to support capital punishment...

I get to ride so many different bikes, my demands stopped evolving a long time ago.
Age and ill health may cause them to change in the future, but we'll see.
I imagine I will resort to an electric cargo bike eventually.
Meanwhile my best ever bike was a Klein, so less said the better.
Would that be folks who ride inconsiderately, or all cyclists? I don't mind folks who do as we do, slow to walking pace around blind bits/pedestrians and use the verges or dismount if necessary. We rarely get any hassle.
Of course there are places in cities where the roads are cyclist killing fields, and decent 4x4 tracks in the woods and hills where a cycle leaves not a trace, but we all know where riding is inappropriate.
Would that be folks who ride inconsiderately, or all cyclists? I don't mind folks who do as we do, slow to walking pace around blind bits/pedestrians and use the verges or dismount if necessary. We rarely get any hassle.

All of them if they are riding where they shouldn't. At least around here there isn't room, I had one the other week dinging his bell behind me while I was hiking, he expected me to step off the path into the mud while he passed me where he shouldn't even be... he wasn't expecting the rant and he stayed behind me for the mile or so to the road and he didn't ding his bloomin bell. It might be different in other places but here there isn't room, they ruin the path for everybody else but most of all we have great places where you can ride and an actual bloomin bike track that is free!

I'm not young and I saw a group of blokes on E-bikes cut through all the fences at kissing gates along the footpath as they didn't want to have to keep lifting bikes over WHERE THEY SHOULD NOT EVEN BE, letting all the farmers sheep roam free, which would be a nightmare for him to go and round up and cost lots of money to replace the fence (they have changed the fence areas around one gate with stone, maybe they will do the others too. I took photos but didn't send them to anybody and I'm not on social media. Its things like that why most people hate us though.
"Bloody cyclists" we say.🙄
Or worse, its the same thing with all those that ride on the bloomin pavements and do other selfish stuff.

Out on my ride today and a dog walker was taking up the whole path with her dog on an extendable lead, I always slow down because dogs gonna dog, I'm not bothered what times my GPS watch says I've done and try to avoid stress. Dog was not behaving so I slowed to a stop and the dog jumped up at me, I stroked it and the lady was very apologetic, I said it was fine and she was shocked and said most people on bikes go mad. Perhaps they have cause to but I like to avoid stress most times so I told her I always slow down or stop and don't mind.

Told her people see me on the bike and think I'm one of those who blast everywhere (sometimes I do, I know), ride where I shouldn't and ruin the footpaths. Just like people think she is one of the people throwing black bags full of dog mess all over the place. There are good and bad in all of us, bad cyclist, bad hikers & fell runners throwing litter and bad dog owners. We all have to share but the ones who are being selfish ***** give the others a bad name and I can understand why.

Bloomin eck, I say, or worse sometimes 😉

Did somebody say something about best bikes in here once?
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... the sound of filthy brake pads scraping on your highly polished, super-lightweight irreplaceable rims on a hard ascent😭
Uuuuugh, I hate that! I have a pair of very early Fiamme sprints on my Parkes. They’re really soft aluminium. Occasionally, usually in the wet, I’ll get a tiny bit of grit stuck in the pad. Modern rims just eject debris like that with a couple of pulls of the brake lever, but on the Fiammes it’ll jam in and I’ll hear this tiny shard tearing into the soft aluminium and it’ll start ripping up the braking surface. Only thing you can do is pull over and take the brake block off and prise the bit of crud out.