bb broken after 15 miles


Dirt Disciple
hi guys
has anyone had this happen?
i bought a brand new xt square taper bottom bracket from my lbs for £30
the damn thing just broke :cry: after 15 miles of road riding :shock:
they say they might not replace it as i fitted myself :x
why do they always think your an amateur

damn you xt square taper! damn you to hell! :evil: :evil: :evil:
It is up to them to show that it was not fitted properly, don't listen to them. A warranty is a warranty and is not always dependent on professional fitting/servicing (some things like shocks may be!).

How did it fail? What part of it broke?
first i felt and heard the dreaded click under my right foot and thought it was the pedal then it started on the left side to i got off to check it and there it was 1-2mm of play in the axel :(
yup, send it back the shop would have to prove that you fitted it incorrectly, i mean things can break, and in your case it has.
Always remember to look at things from the other side as well. From working in/owning shops for 25 years, I am still amazed at what people try to pull. Breaking something, buying a similar new item and trying to return the 5 year old part in the box. Installing a tube with a screwdriver and pinching it which is obviously a defective tube. Helmets that have been tampered with to take advantage of a "lifetime" replacement policy. Trying to return items with mail order stickers still attached. Getting mad because you won't exchange a wrong sized eBay part for the proper one that you have in the shop. Women today, mad since her tube went flat that we "just replaced"...looked up on the computer and it was April 2005. People putting L pedals on the R side and claiming the pedals are defective............I could go on forever.

Things do break and if it is legitimate, it should be taken care of........just remember the other side of the coin and what the shop sees on a daily basis.
FirstFlight":3lqde5lj said:
Always remember to look at things from the other side as well. From working in/owning shops for 25 years, I am still amazed at what people try to pull. Breaking something, buying a similar new item and trying to return the 5 year old part in the box. Installing a tube with a screwdriver and pinching it which is obviously a defective tube. Helmets that have been tampered with to take advantage of a "lifetime" replacement policy. Trying to return items with mail order stickers still attached. Getting mad because you won't exchange a wrong sized eBay part for the proper one that you have in the shop. Women today, mad since her tube went flat that we "just replaced"...looked up on the computer and it was April 2005. People putting L pedals on the R side and claiming the pedals are defective............I could go on forever.

Things do break and if it is legitimate, it should be taken care of........just remember the other side of the coin and what the shop sees on a daily basis.
i hate when you get scamers at work i laugh at them now and ask them to leave with there ebay wonder wrong item exchange or they buy a bike mail order and kick off if you refuse to repair it under warrenty as they need to take it back where it came from :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
so far there's no clear statement what is defective. 2mm play can just as well be improper installation and is not necessarily an indication that something is "broken".

its a 73mm bb in a 73mm shell and has been installed correctly, in my time with mtbs i've fitted about twenty bb's and never had this happen
as for the other side of the coin i've spent enough money in the said shop on high end parts to expect to be given the benefit of the doubt over a £30 part, although not wanting to be premature they might still replace it so i can't really grumble (yet!) but its still a bummer that it broke so quickly