ball bearings....


Retrobike Rider
just found out that im a ball bearing short of a full hubs worth.

measured the ones reamining and they're 4.7mm diameter.
am i good to just replace the one with a steel ball bearing or matching size? or are hub bearings a specific type of metal???

or am i going to have to find a donor hub....???
its from an LX M563 front hub...

Why not just buy a complete new 'set' of bearings ... bearings are cheap, and readily available ...
Pop to your local bearing factor. Probably 10p a ball. Buy a full set so that they are all from the same batch and as near to identical to each other as possible. Grade 25 are going to be 10x better than anything in a rack at a bike shop.
You should replace them all at the same time. Bearings are manufactured very precisely within each batch. If you put a single bearing from another production batch, it is likely that it will be ever so slightly larger or smaller. This will result in the bearings wearing unevenly.

If it's 3/16th size (4.76mm), you will almost definitely need 10 for each side (normal for front hubs).
ljamesb":2fgtikwa said:
You should replace them all at the same time. Bearings are manufactured very precisely within each batch. If you put a single bearing from another production batch, it is likely that it will be ever so slightly larger or smaller. This will result in the bearings wearing unevenly.


Id be surprised if it made any difference, were talking 90s bicycle not hubble telescoipe precision. :facepalm:

Buy a bag from simply bearings.
Re: Re:

Rampage":34mvq9e2 said:
Yeah, that.
Couldn't remember. Though I do have the remains of a tub of grade 10(?) downstairs. Labeled "Shimano front hub"......
Id be surprised if it made any difference, were talking 90s bicycle not hubble telescope precision. :facepalm:

lol. My bikes are MUCH more important than the Hubble telescope. On second thought, you'd probably better take the new bearings to NASA first to get their roundness measured. Only then should you use them in your hub.

It does make a difference though especially in this case since the other 9 bearings are probably worn already. The new one will wear 100 times faster maybe chip which could cause damage.

If you want to save 90p though, just buy the one. :LOL: