Badger botherer

tintin40":3jbakvmi said:
Rod_Saetan":3jbakvmi said:
FSR-Si":3jbakvmi said:
We_are_Stevo":3jbakvmi said:
Rod_Saetan":3jbakvmi said:
FSR-Si":3jbakvmi said:
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:

Congratulations, asshole.

Yeah, I thought that was a bit harsh too :?

Sorry if this displeases you but what the hell are you supposed to do, you try swerving out of the way when travelling at 50mph and weighing in at 40 tons. The only thing you can do is hit it otherwise you jack knife or tip causing a hell of a lot of mess. So sorry if i offended you it was unintentional. best i dont tell you about the numourous other animals that became roadkill over the years :roll:

Its not what you did, accidents happen, you can't really help that, it was the manner in which you seemed to take so much glee in the fact you had done it, suggested that you were worse off than the badger as it had damaged your bumper and you had somehow overcome the massive odds stacked against you as the woodland creature lost in its fight with a 40 ton vehicle traveling at 50 mph. A little more diplomacy was needed I feel, but then maybe my reply was a little caustic too.

Agree 100% I could say more but will leave it at that

Please dont hold back on my behalf.
Iwasgoodonce":c5ct7htc said:
I managed to take this shakey shot of a large looking cat like creature on my last ride. It was huge.



I was driving over to New Mills from the M1 a couple of years back and saw a cat in a field, I reckoned it looked a bit big, and once I parked I went back in to the field with my camera for a look.

It had gone, but against the straw remnants I reckon it was some kind of big cat, tan coloured.

Up in the Highlands there have been so many sightings, myself and friends having seen a large black cat on a causeway where I could gauge the height, totally accept there are plenty around if we are seeing these shy creatures.
highlandsflyer":1d5kwxf6 said:

I was driving over to New Mills from the M1 a couple of years back and saw a cat in a field, I reckoned it looked a bit big, and once I parked I went back in to the field with my camera for a look.

It had gone, but against the straw remnants I reckon it was some kind of big cat, tan coloured.

Up in the Highlands there have been so many sightings, myself and friends having seen a large black cat on a causeway where I could gauge the height, totally accept there are plenty around if we are seeing these shy creatures.

You've hit the nail on the head by saying that there could be plenty around - and they're breeding too. One of the sighting reports I got when I was a BCS point-of-contact was of a "large black cat with 2 kittens", which was sighted in a field just over the fence from someone's back garden! The police went to the site of the sighting and found 3 sets of footprints in the mud...

They're definitely out there. And I think there are many more of them than we think too...

Tan coloured cat could be a Lynx? They are definitely present in the UK - top photo shows a Lynx. Bottom photo shows a "Lynx-like cat" (definitely a Lynx!) which was shot by a UK farmer:


I once got chased through a farm yard which was on a bridleway by a sheep dog. I couldn't understand why pedal resistance kept increasing combined with a strange zizzing noise from behind me. I managed to look round and the dog was putting it's head on one side and then leaping at the back tyre and trying to get it in it's mouth.
Barneyballbags":1q1xsxi6 said:
highlandsflyer":1q1xsxi6 said:

I was driving over to New Mills from the M1 a couple of years back and saw a cat in a field, I reckoned it looked a bit big, and once I parked I went back in to the field with my camera for a look.

It had gone, but against the straw remnants I reckon it was some kind of big cat, tan coloured.

Up in the Highlands there have been so many sightings, myself and friends having seen a large black cat on a causeway where I could gauge the height, totally accept there are plenty around if we are seeing these shy creatures.

You've hit the nail on the head by saying that there could be plenty around - and they're breeding too. One of the sighting reports I got when I was a BCS point-of-contact was of a "large black cat with 2 kittens", which was sighted in a field just over the fence from someone's back garden! The police went to the site of the sighting and found 3 sets of footprints in the mud...

They're definitely out there. And I think there are many more of them than we think too...

Tan coloured cat could be a Lynx? They are definitely present in the UK - top photo shows a Lynx. Bottom photo shows a "Lynx-like cat" (definitely a Lynx!) which was shot by a UK farmer:



I am pretty sure it was more like a cougar, it was in excellent light, had a solid coat and was certainly a couple of feet high at least. Hope I see it again!