Badger botherer

Labradors are solid too.
Dozy pedestrians doubly so.
Ducks and blackbirds less so (according to mates).
I did read letter in BUMUK from a guy who was hammering off Cader Idris when he rounded a bend and ploughed in to what he thought was a boulder in the track. Upon picking himself up, he discovered his bike was embedded in a boulder shaped, decaying sheep. He finished the ride at the back of the group.
Beaver, ha! Who'd have thunk it ;)

End o't day, I reckon I came off worse than the badger. Hope he's ok.

Now to get thru 2 days of riding inners with a very swollen knee :D
We_are_Stevo":dhxjif4j said:
Rod_Saetan":dhxjif4j said:
FSR-Si":dhxjif4j said:
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:

Congratulations, asshole.

Yeah, I thought that was a bit harsh too :?

Sorry if this displeases you but what the hell are you supposed to do, you try swerving out of the way when travelling at 50mph and weighing in at 40 tons. The only thing you can do is hit it otherwise you jack knife or tip causing a hell of a lot of mess. So sorry if i offended you it was unintentional. best i dont tell you about the numourous other animals that became roadkill over the years :roll:
its buzzards up here , there was a few cases of them attacking cyclists
in an area called the cults ,one bloke had inch or so deep inscisions in his
crash helmet from one attack
they do straffe you some times , maybee protecting their nearby nests

get a lot of roe deer in the funny season too just jump out on you

then the young frogs that populate the trails in early august , we stopped
at a local resavoir , and the ground was literally heaving with 1/2" long
frogs/toads couldn,t avoid standing on them
FSR-Si":1kajqicg said:
We_are_Stevo":1kajqicg said:
Rod_Saetan":1kajqicg said:
FSR-Si":1kajqicg said:
I squidged one once on the A55 in North wales about 6 years ago with my truck, little buggers are rock solid and made a right mess of the bumper! I won though as by the time i'd managed to stop the badger was about a 100 metres longer :twisted:

Congratulations, asshole.

Yeah, I thought that was a bit harsh too :?

Sorry if this displeases you but what the hell are you supposed to do, you try swerving out of the way when travelling at 50mph and weighing in at 40 tons. The only thing you can do is hit it otherwise you jack knife or tip causing a hell of a lot of mess. So sorry if i offended you it was unintentional. best i dont tell you about the numourous other animals that became roadkill over the years :roll:

Its not what you did, accidents happen, you can't really help that, it was the manner in which you seemed to take so much glee in the fact you had done it, suggested that you were worse off than the badger as it had damaged your bumper and you had somehow overcome the massive odds stacked against you as the woodland creature lost in its fight with a 40 ton vehicle traveling at 50 mph. A little more diplomacy was needed I feel, but then maybe my reply was a little caustic too.
FMJ":3gmgi918 said:

Hee hee, kick ass!

I want one of those on the end of a leash.

I toured a fair bit in Eastern Europe on bike, bicycle and in car. Ordinary feral cats are a major obstacle.

In Turkey they have bleedin huge dogs running around everywhere!

Nothing comes close to the danger from deer on the windy roads in the cuttings, there is nowhere for them, or for you, to go. Ouch!
sadly, I had an altercation with a fox back when I was 15 on my bro's road bike (ahem! :oops: )

ran out in front of me from a hedge on the left, shat itself and turned to dart back, and its tail whipped round and got stuck in my spokes. yelped VERY loud poor thing, and fled back into the hedge, minus half its tail :shock:
