
Old School Grand Master
Just bought this cheap........looking very close at the welds it seems they have little tiny surface cracks.....NOT cracks through the weld but on the surface ???? too hot / to cold.....inpurities ????? :? there more visible at the stopor start of the weld, but they seem to spread out in the same direction like little tree branches mostly.........maybe someone could blow these pics up for me .....bit hard to see with these pics ... wti003.jpg ... wti004.jpg ... wti007.jpg ... wti008.jpg
It is hard to see :? what marks I can see look like polishing marks. Is it the tiny flecks in this pic?

no idea.ment to be un-used, which it is. so witha 26.8 seatpost and canti hanger, spose it was made a little while back :D ..............had 3-4 Ti frames before.weld beads were always smooth as ??
Looks fine to me too,i can't see anything that would have me worried :?

Bit heavy on the welds but thats not a problem either :cool:
Another vote

Looks fine to me too

It's ridging from cooling ~ as you suspected as a possibility

That'll not change, you could sand 'em down a little if the look bothers you

But yeah the size of the welds do look a li'l bit heavy handed for Ti

Nice and even though!

Build it up and ride it! Wish I had a Ti frame

You are correct, those are micro-cracks on the surface of the weld. This is due to poor argon coverage during the cooling phase of the bead, as the molten puddle was subjected to oxygen above 800 degrees. An additional indicator is the "halo" to either side of the weld bead, showing where there was oxygen contamination and discoloration that was removed through surface polishing.

Although the mico fissures may be an issue long term, of more note are the porosity craters in the crotch of the bead, indicative of contaminant inclusion.

Regardless, all these concerns added up will rarely result in a acute failure. Build it, ride it, enjoy it and check for physical changes periodically. All material has a lifespan, this has not been met yet.

