bad reputation

i believe in fixies":24dsypi4 said:
+1 for Kaiser's views

Russell":24dsypi4 said:
I'll get the bastards next time.

You want a Merc for that, just line the cross hairs up.

Yeah, was thinking that, might sell one of my fleet of hugely expensive bikes and treat myself to an SLK.

More seriously, I agree with yourself and Kaiser. I've been on lots of road rides and most people I've ridden with have been lovely. Likewise, I've met some bloody miserable 'mountainbikers'.

I've never seen a group of roadies gathered at the bottom of a steep hill, grinning ear to ear and discussing which line they took to get down it.

Come for a roadie bash with me, last one I went on we gathered at the bottom of a hill comparing computers to see who had managed to break the 50mph barrier. Plenty of grinning faces there.
What seems like twighlight on a bike is night in a car. Try it. So you may think you are still visible but really you're not. It's the effect of the headlights on the surrounding non lit areas.

"You" being the third person, just sound pompous writing "one"
To be honest, I would have had a pop at you as well, if you kept on cycling after I let you know you were in danger.

I would have probably offered you a lift though, and given you some lights cause I carry some in the car for handing out to kids.

I don't carry helmets though, I am not rich to be giving those away...

As far as the camaraderie, cyclists are cyclists in my experience, even the style obsessed urban hipsters. Never noticed a difference between different groups. There are actually more geeky tech obsessed nuts in the MTB scene than you can shake a stick at, and certainly a fair number of numpties who ignore the countryside codes and park their cars in passing places, etc., not slowing as they pass horses and all the rest.

Sorry if that was offensive, I didn't mean it in that way. I was thinking about the similarities between the roadies that spend thousands on every last gadget being more like the MTBers that do the same than they are like the run of the mill of both camps, which is kind of a daft thing to say anyway as most of us ride both don't we? Nothing wrong with being a geek or into tech at all, as long as you use lights, close gates after you and clean up after your picnics.

It is certainly one of my pet hates, cyclists or any other road user without lights when they could be a life saver.

Maybe the guy was a predatory sausage smuggler with a unique approach to chatting up. No offence intended to our gay contingent, quite partial to a bit of that back in the day. Had to give it up and I packed it in. Stopped eventually as well.
Normally I always have lights on my bike, Id just taken them off to use on my mtb, and hadn't anticipated it being so late on my way home, 2 of the guys did have rear lights on them which they'd turned on (they were about 40/50 yards behind though) but it wasnt that dark though as the streetlights hadn't been turned on at this point. But I do understand that safety is important, it was more the guys flip out reaction to it that I couldn't understand?!!
I hear you, if it was not even lighting up time I don't think I would have bothered you.

Different thing than total darkness, sounds like the guy had an issue.

Makes sense to tighten up when you don't all have lights though.

Surprised you didn't wind up in a punch up!

macca85":2ad6m5ol said:
, it was more the guys flip out reaction to it that I couldn't understand?!!

But I still don't see now being a roadie or not (who knows what his collection of 5 bikes consists of anyway?) has anything to do with it, apart from being a sweeping statement.