Aviation fans! A nice F-16 video

A beautiful looking aircraft and interesting how it came into service, it vying against the F18, but as a result the Yanks took both into service. The F16 has an impressive climb rate, but not as good as this, which I believe still holds the record ;


But I worked on these things for a bit ;


Another beauty and with a lower radar signature than a Tornado.
Love it! I never thought there were so huge till I saw one desert pink Buccaneer on the RAF Museum in London. Incredible. : )
This is my favourite airliner ;


Although perhaps I didn't think that at the time with noise and my billet at the end of the runway, the whole building used to shake when the things too off and idiots stupid enough to put their car alarms on in the car park came back to a flat battery. No wonder they used to incur a fine every time they went to the USA, they are LOUD !

But a magnificent aircraft, and worth seeing if you can find it, the air to air refuelling the tanker does with two other vc10's on the the fuel drogues at not a particularly high altitude, scarily low in fact.

But the pilots used to refer to them as just bit private jets as they aren't very big for the power they have.