Australians using retrobike??

A pom, but Oz is where I live. Have done for most of the last 5 years. I guess I count?
I am................except I'm cold

Yes, me too.
I have been in the UK since 2001.
Left all my bikes bar one back home to see the world. Arrived here in 2001 with my backpack and TCR. Settled in Scotland after meeting a girl, thought I'd stay a while so looked for some work. My background was in animal rehab/rescue so worked for/ran a seal Sanctuary on the west coast till late 2006 and left to set up my own seal hospital for a Marine charity that I 've been doing things with for a few years. Where as I was based in Oban before and it was open to the public, now we are mainly doing rehab work and train various organisations as well as our own medics in various handling/medical techniques. We also do rescue/refloats for all whale and dolphin strandings.
Now I am about 8 miles from John O'groats. Its not the end of the world, but on a clear day you can see it from here :shock:
Moving North, but figure if I keep going I will eventually start heading south again :?
Once I settled here I new I had to get my mountain bike sorted, especially living around Oban and Fort William just up the road. I have my modern Stumpy but have slowly been recreating my old stable, but better and all at once.
This country is really amazing, very lucky to have such a switched on forestry department. From built parks like Wolftrax, Redrocks at Cromarty, 7 Stanes situation not to mention whats happening south of the border. The riders here dont realise how lucky they are half the time. The only problem I now have is up here at the very north there are next to no hills and no trees. So have to travel about 20 minutes to nearest riding, may not sound like much but when I used to just ride out my back gate straight into the forest and ride all day without crossing the same track its a hardship ;) but dont feel sorry for me as I will struggle on :cry:
The one cool thing is its light at 4 in the morning and its still light at 11 pm, sun not hitting the horizon till 10.45pm, can get more riding in.
But lets not talk about winter :cry:
Anyway better stop as this is turning into a major epic but if anyones heading up this way, give me a shout and I can make you a cuppa, drink whatever. Dont be shy, I'm not as mad as I seem to sound :p
Farewell fellow Aussie retrobikers, its good to here from home :cry:

(cue sad music)
Brettels wrote:Im another in Canberra......

I lived in Young before heading to Scotland, not too far :D