At which point would you not trust this bike?

Mizuno make tennis racquets and also some composite frames

The have made earlier carbon scotts and made merckx forks for years...........

I think they should string it like a tennis racket then at least you could use it as a snow shoe :roll:
Thats ace

Thats ace!

Sorry that joke was a fault ;)

Apologies, couldn't help myself. :roll:

Hi guys, as the owner/ seller of the aforementioned frame, I do understand your mixed feelings on it's looks. It's definately a love it or loath it type of thing with this frame. But I can vouch for it's strength and sturdyness, it's completely as brand new And stiff as nails (and now sold) remember early carbon was over engineered rather than the light as the CAD CAM will allow designers nowadays to factor it!!

if I had more time/ money/ inclanation (I'm a roadie mainly) I would have built it up myself, perhaps with a respray first mind, as a talking point. Remember, 'different' does not mean bad??

I was given this frame by a friend who never used it. It has a sticker inside the head tube marked with the price of £999, make of that what you will... Anyways it's sold now at just enough to get me some more cycle shorts for summer hols, and as I was given it for free, I'm more than happy even with it selling at £45 ( a freakin bargain for an unusual carbon frame but what do I know?)

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