Assistance with collection of a bike in the Bracknell area..


Retro Guru
Tentative enquiry, unfortunately, psyclone1976, who was the recommended member for help in the area, in the official thread sticky, has moved away from the area.

Would anyone be able to assist, with the picking up a bike from Bracknell and boxing up/sending or boxing and awaiting my arranged courier collection, for sending on to me in Edinburgh?

I would cover expenses, not be in a rush, faff you about (from my end at least), give extra beer/tea fund tokens, reciprocate if anything needed shipped from my area and be extremely grateful.

The bike in question, will be rebuilt for one of a friends adopted twin boys, after I have stolen a couple of parts from it for my build and replaced them with catalogue spec!

Thank you in advance.
Anyone be kind enough to help me?

Unfortunately, the awesome psychlone1976 has moved away from area.

I will cover expenses with payment for time, offer all the perks in the first post and also, donate the wheels of the bike?!

Cheers everyone.


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