Aspire Velotech

Loads of bike mechanics in Bristle buy from them and they've ultra rare Chris King bits and weirdness. Postage is a doddle too as they'll....I'll PM the next bit :LOL:
Looking forward to getting my new work stand from them!

Can you PM me the next bit as well as I'm going to get a coupe of headsets as well :D

well i ordered my headset at 8am UKtime today,ive just received a personal email from John from AV saying that it has been dispatched already and my tracking number,plus they upgraded me to USPS Priority shipping for free :cool:
I've done 4 CK headsets from them (2 blue, 1 red and a Devolution) and they are tops. Thumbs up Aspire Velotech!
andy.l":3dmbf0v0 said:
well i ordered my headset at 8am UKtime today,ive just received a personal email from John from AV saying that it has been dispatched already and my tracking number,plus they upgraded me to USPS Priority shipping for free :cool:

Sounds like their normal level of service.....those guys rock :D
Has anyone seen the green brooks on their site? :shock: :cool:
I got a wheel true stand/tool from them, you can fit it to a stand or stand on a bench, can't seem to get them like this in the UK, small and managable, works too! can do most size wheels (won't take a 14mm axle though), not built a wheel with it yet, but have straightened a few, reasonable price, and shipped quick too!
They are also good for answering email questions, gave me all the dimensions etc of the headsets, so I could match up to suit my oldschool bike rebuilds.