Are carbon fibre bars able to be cut down at the ends ????


Gary Fisher Fan
There is an inch at each end before it reaches the internal sleeve does anyone know if this is bad for the bars being exotic material I'm not keen on the length of them for darting through traffic ...
Many thanks 20230216_131335.webp 20230216_131335.webp 20230216_131501.webp


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cabon cutting blade, ******* genius, which marketing dept. came up with that one? oh wait, let me guess, they are blue? still, you makes your choice in life, if you have 8 quid to spend then it would be any worse than a good quality high TPI blade.

Eclipse 32tpi bi metal blade in any hack saw frame will do it happily. I guide is a good idea if you can (especially if you didn't spend the first half you life in a fab shop), but if you haven't got one, drill a hole through a chunk of wood and use the side as a guide. As you are cutting a thin wall tube it's worth while cutting in stages and rotating the bar so you are always cutting more material than if you cut through the middle, you want to keep about 6 teeth in the material at any one time and as you cross the middle this will be more like 3 or 4 which will make a for a difficult time keeping it straight as the saw will struggle and jump a bit and may also result in tear out (not a promise though, it depends on the layup). A pack with an 18,24 and 32 in is 8 quid on amazon or any good tool shop should stock it for a few quid.

on ali bars I use a pipe cutter, but that isn't an option thanks the the epoxy encapsulation.

but yes, don't breath the dust, worse than fibre glass and unless we turn you upside down and shake, doesn't come out your lungs.
Will be better cutying them down as the bar ends will be clamping on the thicker bar.

Any hacksaw blade that is sharp and fairly fine tpi will cut it. For a nice straight cut wind some masking tape around the bar and use one edge of the tape as a guide.

As others have said DO NOT breathe the dust. Wear a mask!
Before cutting down a perfectly good bar, unless you are wedded to them, see if you can swap for a shorter set (or but then sell). Once cut, it won't grow back.
I use two grip-clamps off old lock-on handlebar grips as guides and a dremel-type tool with small cutting disc, and wear a dust mask 👍